The translation was done by the program. Sorry for the irregularities. The only valid reference is the description in Italian language.
Thank you for your interest. Are you aware of my intentions as described above and are happy to see your sensitivity 'to the subject matter , the horses. The Champions HD project will aim to represent a small but heard instrument in favor of this extraordinary animal species. It is definitely known that the horse is often used to take advantage of using different kinds of competitions.Race more 'or less complex and tiring that are not very useful to the horse but, however, are one of the main commitments Them. Competitions are very popular that most of the audience passionate dedicated and many others. From this starting point is how my initiative. Realize that 'a simple but different competition where the competitor is not the same horse but its digital representation in the various possible shapes. A race where only their pictures, their videos Their descriptions, they can run and compete as a result of the preferences that the public is able to take .Result evident that this project can not 'and should not be costly. You do not win and you do not lose anything, but can 'entertain and thrill to help the protagonist to enjoy the premium in full relaxation. I think many will understand and especially those who, like me, prefer to have fun protecting their friend.
CHAMPIONS HD is just like that. A simple digital selection refers to ten magnificent horses. Each horse competitor may be associated with a video image and a text. It is not necessary to the competition of all three elements. The representation may also be constituted by only one of these three. One image, one video, one text. The list is prepared for the preference of the public in the relevant pages of the site User may express themselves on line one time through the planned and easy selection of preference out of square.With our hand it is also possible to express and exclusive team preference preferences of other interested parties who are from the same team of preference chd. The preference chd team, called Team chd Preferences, allows you to cast their vote only as a vote of chd team that runs it, and that is the only valid entity admitted for this operation.The chd team can consist of each of you without cost and commitment and will remain until your desired, for the exclusive use of the royal Applicant and interested parties who will use your team. The preferences chd team are currently available in three different versions. The version recorded by the user that does not have its own web reference and that it plans to give its team vote only after specific and ordinary recognition, with the access codes from us released.The Team Preferences chd external preconceived which are precisely pre-established by our service on a specific demand that has its own web reference, website, blog, social network groups, community pages and any other duly authorized web reference. The Team Preferences internal chd which are also preconceived by our service and of the request, but that have a specific web reference issued by us within our web site .For more and better information continue reading the specifications Champions hd pages and take part for free just to try and ongoing competition, using the versions already activated .The progressive selection results are published in real time. During the selection, you can see when you want the status of preferences assigned to your favorite horse. The selection has the current duration of 30 days from the date start. The result selection provides for the allocation of the Champions HD recognition.The award will include all ten horses that participated and distinguish the result with the degree of preference obtained.The outcome will be reported in an exclusive presentation that will be published in the pages of the site prepared, and that the visitor can free consultation.La list of participants is realized by the signed.The documents to be published will be selected among those who manage to obtain directly, but it would really be much nicer that were made by your own proposals.Yes, just like that, anyone of you interested in showing initiative, will send its proposal and the related documents you may need to compete.It will be enough to reach our Scuderia CHD and scheduled Champions HD contact form. Making so its simple compilation, send online and check our immediate reply in the same email that you have communicated to us.The module in question allows you to also convey the material Do you want to publish. The expected attachments are only three but you can repeat this operation without problems. Keep in mind that the race provides only one document for each type admitted.The document is still a digital document and then can represent multiple content.I can ensure my full commitment to assign any of your request for a place in the tender lists.For now, with one list in activity and its duration of the competition, it may be necessary to wait for an appropriate time to enable the full participation expected.Of course, receive my email response that I can update about and that can advise any time waiting. Finally I think it is useful to point out that the preference off the team and Team Preference chd established before offers in the competition allow to express their preferences without the need for any special registration. The person concerned without indicating their references can search the data of the participants and make it the preferred choice. The preference of teams are much more exciting and are undoubtedly advisable, but also the preference outside team represents a minimum and viable solution to start. We arrived at the end of this short presentation .I do not know I can forget some details that are visible but 'also needed to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. This initiative and 'free and the party can participate without any particular formality. The author of the project reserves any and every self-chance 'refers to the design, editing, management and any other action as it deems nevertheless useful to this project Champions HD.Nessuna responsibility will be able' to be signed and given to the site that hosts me as a result the use of our project Champions HD and the results which 'received. Who will want 'to use this project by participating directly with their material transmitted assumes all responsibility .It is our intention to We intend to comply with any law of this Act and to declare ourselves available to stabilize or remove any content is actually illegal or not in compliance. The rightful owner of any rights adversely affected has the chance 'to require compliance' through e-mail communications at and using the provided contact form prepared in sito.In a result of receipt of such notice will be adopted timely measures can be concluded as specified above, including the removal of the material Wuld.Yes is simple rules of common sense which I'm sure will not prevent those who are seriously interested, to intervene without hesitation.
Thank you for your attention and I look forward to participate in this competition Champions HD now available.
Sincerely, Hellen Dalton.